
Storm drains are pipes that remove rainwater from our streets and then flow directly to the closest creek or stream.
Only rainwater should enter storm drains.
Campus has 2 primary storm water outfalls and several storm water BMPs on campus, including retention ponds, sand filters, and other retention devices. We work closely with the City of Winston-Salem storm water division in monitoring and maintenance of the storm water system quality.
Car washing is prohibited on campus. Car wash run-off enters storm drains and can contaminate local creeks.
DO NOT pour any chemicals or oil into storm drains. This includes “Green” or “Biodegradable” products.
DO NOT wash dirt or mud into the storm drain. Stormwater sediment filters should be used at any site where there is the potential for mud or sediment wash down.
Need to report an unsafe condition or incident?
Phone: 336.758.EHAS (3427)
Office Location: The EHS building is in the Facilities Compound on Wingate Road. It is the last building on the left up from Fleet Services, next door to Landscaping.