Safety Training
EHS offers both online and in-person training. All employees are required to take basic online safety training at the start of employment. Employees working in higher risk areas will be assigned additional training based on their job title and the potential hazards.
Requests for training can be made through the EHS Office using the following form.
Employee Safety Training
OSHA requires that employers provide a workplace free from recognized hazards. While office personnel experience fewer accidents than industrial workers, office accidents and emergencies do occur and can lead to serious injuries. The Office of Environmental Health & Safety already trains employees in high risk areas but will be expanding this to include all office personnel in spring of 2025. Employees in this category will be required to complete online training modules on emergency & fire preparedness, fire extinguisher use, office ergonomics, and preventing slips, trips & falls. Fire extinguisher training will be required annually. All others are a one-time requirement.
This training isn’t linked within Workday Learning yet. Please look for an email from “HSI Platform” with a link to login. This is a single-sign on (SSO) system so please use your WFU credentials.
Who is required to complete this training?
All employees, including remote workers. OSHA requires employers to provide an educational program to identify and mitigate potential safety and fire hazards, and familiarize employees with the general principles of fire extinguisher use. This training is required upon initial job assignment and at least annually thereafter. For more information, see 29 CFR 1910.157
Will I have to complete all four (4) training videos every year?
No. After the initial training, only fire extinguisher training will be an annual requirement.
Why is Office Ergonomic training necessary?
Under OSHA’s General Duty Clause, employers must keep their workplaces free from recognized serious hazards, including ergonomic hazards. Ergonomic standards and enforcement FAQs.
What if I’m unable to login?
This is a single-sign on (SSO) system — please use your WFU credentials
Why are the videos not loading/launching?
Please check your browser’s pop-up settings. If you continue to have technical issues, feel free to contact the Bridge at or 336-758-4357