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Safety Training at WFU

The Wake Forest University Office of Environmental Health & Safety offers training on a wide range of subjects.  Contact Bridget Marrs at x3427 or for more information.

Online Courses

The University uses the HSI Online Training System administered by the Health and Safety Institute.  Complete the Training Request to enroll.

Online courses are assigned to groups with similar work environments and on-the-job hazards.  These include F&CS Maintenance and Landscaping, Laboratory and Scientific Research, Police and Parking Management, Residence Life and Housing, and General Safety.

First Aid / CPR / AED Training


This 3.5-hour CPR and AED course prepares the layperson to respond to choking, breathing, and cardiac emergencies—and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in conjunction with CPR. This National Safety Council course meets the current CPR and ECC Guidelines using a combination of instructor, video-self-instruction, and hands-on training.

Course content: Taking action in an emergency • Assessing the victim • Provide basic life support, including airway management, breathing, and circulation • Using an AED

First Aid / CPR / AED

This 5 1/2-hour First Aid/CPR/AED course prepares the layperson to respond to and manage first aid, choking, breathing, and cardiac emergencies in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Participants also learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in conjunction with CPR. This National Safety Council course meets the current CPR and ECC Guidelines using a combination of instructor, video-self-instruction, and hands-on training.

Course content: Taking action in an emergency • Assessing the victim • Provide basic life support, including airway management, breathing, and circulation • Using an AED • Preventing disease transmission • Recovery position • Choking • Heart attack and chest pain • Bleeding and wound care • Shock • Burns • Serious injuries • Bone, joint and muscle injuries • Sudden illness • Allergic reactions • Poisoning • Cold and heat emergencies

Contact Bridget Marrs at for more information or to schedule a class.